
Neal Reyes Ministries, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization based out of Fort Worth, TX. Neal Reyes Ministries is a traveling and media ministry founded by Neal and Katie Reyes in 2015 that became a non-profit in 2019.

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Neal Reyes Ministries

Neal Reyes Ministries, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization based out of Fort Worth, TX. Neal Reyes Ministries is a traveling and media ministry founded by Neal and Katie Reyes in 2015 that became a non-profit in 2019.

Neal Reyes travels as a guest speaker and produces extensive media (videos, podcasts, and more). In addition to Neal Reyes being an ordained minister, he also holds a ministerial license through Eagle Mountain International Church located in Newark, TX.

God has given Neal Reyes Ministries a threefold assignment to Wake Up The Church, Set The Captives Free, and Reach The Lost.

Our Ministry Assignment

Wake Up The Church: The Lord has shown Neal that most of the church is in a slumber of comfort Christianity. As a result, they’ve abandoned the believer’s authority and are not reaching the world. God is using Neal’s traveling and media ministry to wake them up!

Setting The Captives Free: Many believers are captive to their past hurts, failures, and mistakes. As a result, many believers feel unworthy and weighed down by shame and regret. God uses Neal to teach valuable truths found in His word to set the captives free.

Reaching The Lost: God has shown Neal that as we Wake Up The Church, and Set The Captives Free, together we can Reach The Lost! The lost are anyone who has grown distant from God or never accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Answering The Call

Neal was first called into the ministry by the Lord in 2001 while playing a game of billiards in his home residence in Albuquerque, NM. The Lord spoke to Neal internally and told him that his calling was to be a teacher of the faith. The Lord candidly explained to Neal a short time later that although Neal had been called to teach and had been blessed with the ability to speak and the “gift of gab,” as some would refer to it, that didn’t necessarily mean Neal had anything worth saying at the time. Although that may sound striking to some, it was the exact form of loving correction Neal required, and it motivated him to seek the Lord in the areas he needed to address within his walk.

The Beginning

After hearing the instruction from God that Neal needed to grow in his Christian walk and personal character, he began to seek God and grow deeper in His word. Neal would spend years growing to cultivate his relationship with the Lord. During this time, God began to grow Neal in many areas, including his love walk, understanding honor, spiritual warfare, and gaining a deep understanding of the Nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit and the Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

First The Direction

Neal never forgot his calling, but after spending years focusing only on growing his Christian walk and personal character, Neal was not seeking what God had called him to do. Neal knew God would speak again when He knew Neal was ready. One night as Neal lay asleep, God gave him a dream where Neal spoke in front of a large crowd from a pulpit. This dream stirred strongly in Neal, and while he knew God had finally spoken to him regarding his calling, he wasn’t sure what this meant. The Lord later showed him he called him to be a traveling speaker.

The Plan

After giving Neal the direction of his calling, next came the plan. Neal began to seek God with all of his heart (Jer. 29:13) and asked for God’s wisdom regarding this calling (Jm. 1:5). God instructed Neal to build a website and begin recording videos to post to his site. He showed Neal that God would lead people to Neal’s teachings, and it would open the door to guest speaking invitations. As Neal attended the speaking engagements, God showed Neal He would need those people to stay connected with his teachings, and thus they would need to be directed to his website to watch the videos.

Time To Move

Early on New Year’s Day 2014, God gave Neal a prophetic word that Neal and his family would move later that year to facilitate the supernatural growth of his ministry and step into his calling. Residing in Albuquerque, NM, God did not name a city at this time but told Neal he and his family would be moving to Texas. Neal’s entire family knew they had heard from the Lord and began to grow with excitement. With the plan falling into place, Neal and Katie prepared for the move, focused only on the direction until God revealed the destination. In July of 2014, God revealed to Neal and Katie they would be moving to San Antonio, TX, and they made a move one month later in August.

While moving from Albuquerque, NM, to San Antonio, TX, God spoke again to Neal while crossing the Texas state line. God showed Neal and Katie that they had one more move ahead while they were moving to San Antonio to begin the ministry. God instructed them to live like they’d be there forever but illustrated that San Antonio would be like a springboard that would supernaturally catapult them to north Texas. Neal and Katie planted their roots in San Antonio and established their ministry beginnings in 2015 under the Lord’s guidance.

Fulfilling The Promise

After living in San Antonio for several years, God woke Neal up in the middle of the night in March of 2018 and instructed him the time had come for Neal and Katie to move their family to Fort Worth, TX. Neal led the way in June of 2018, and his family followed a short while later, in October of 2018. God then instructed Neal it was time to apply for his non-profit, and in June of 2019, Neal Reyes Ministries, Inc. was awarded its 501(c)(3) non-profit status.


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